Astrological Readings
A Psychological Astrology reading can lead to more self-acceptance and understanding as well as improved relations with others. I work with you to gain new perspectives on your underlying issues and life themes, stumbling blocks, and areas of untapped potential. This process of exploration can assist you in understanding your own nature on a deeper level and it can enhance your commitment to your own growth. Through self-acceptance you can stop fighting with yourself and gain more energy, direction and freedom from trying to be something that you are not.
My intention is to help you see the bigger lessons that are available to you so that you are clearer about what you want to commit to. It can also assist you in connecting more deeply with your soul’s intention, purpose and evolution. I am known for being quite direct and honest, and feel able to help you see both your challenges and gifts in a fun and empowering way.
Most people know what their Sun Sign is. People will say “I’m a Taurus” or ‘I’m a ‘Scorpio’. The Sun Sign IS very important because the rest of the planets revolve around the Sun. The Sun represents our ego. It is the ‘I AM’ in our lives, our Yang Energy and the Masculine and we often identify with this part of ourselves.
Your Moon Sign is also a key part of your inner dynamics. It represents the inner feminine, the YIN, and your core irrevocable needs.
Keep in mind however that along with the Sun and the Moon, there are also 10 planets, all of which affect our nature, personality and inner dynamics. Each planet represents a core need or desire.
Imagine that you have all of these identities in your psyche, like one giant family or cast of characters. And like any family, some of them get along, some don’t, some are healthy and functional, and others operate at varied levels of dysfunction.
It is actually more accurate to say ‘My Sun Sign is Capricorn, my Moon Sign is Libra, and my Rising Sign is Aquarius and to then consider the placement of all of the planets and their relationship to each other than it is to just say ‘I AM a _____’.
By viewing all of your planets and signs in relationship to each other, you get a deeper understanding of both your conscious and unconscious motivations and easily find fresh ways to deal with ongoing struggles in addition to a deeper appreciation of your natural skills and talents.

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.
The reading with Barbara and her warmth and clear communication helped teach us more about ourselves, our gifts, and how we can own them and live to the fullest as we are. My friend and I both left our sessions with Barbara feeling amazed and empowered, and most appreciated her practical advice on things we could do to make self and life improvements.
Barbara is sincere and easy to work with, and she clearly leads with her desire to help you bloom. She is a very good teacher – about astrology, psychology, and life!
April T.
Management Consultant